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Posted by abhishek on July 10, 2024
Global Liveability Index Summary Report

Global Liveability Index Summary Report


The Global Liveability Index evaluates the living conditions of cities worldwide, considering factors such as stability, healthcare, culture, environment, education, and infrastructure. This comprehensive report provides insights into the most and least liveable cities globally.

Category Analysis

The report reveals that cities with higher stability scores tend to offer better overall liveability. Healthcare quality is also a critical factor, with top cities excelling in medical facilities and services. Education and cultural environment contribute significantly to the attractiveness of a city, with top performers providing robust educational systems and rich cultural experiences.

Rank City Overall Score Stability Healthcare Culture & Environment Education Infrastructure
1 Vienna, Austria 99.1 100 100 96.3 100 100
2 Zurich, Switzerland 98.4 100 100 94.5 100 96.4
3 Vancouver, Canada 97.3 95 100 92.9 100 92.9
4 Munich, Germany 96.8 95 100 91.7 100 96.4
5 Auckland, New Zealand 96.7 95 95 98.5 100 92.9
6 Oslo, Norway 96.3 95 100 88.7 100 96.4
7 Tokyo, Japan 96.0 95 100 90.4 100 89.3
8 Sydney, Australia 95.9 90 100 94.4 100 92.9
9 Copenhagen, Denmark 95.8 100 95 91.7 100 92.9
10 Toronto, Canada 95.6 95 100 92.3 100 92.9

The Global Liveability Index highlights Vienna, Austria, as the most liveable city with an overall score of 99.1, achieving perfect scores in stability, healthcare, education, and infrastructure, and a near-perfect score in culture and environment. Zurich, Switzerland, follows closely with an overall score of 98.4, also excelling in stability, healthcare, education, and infrastructure. Vancouver, Canada, ranks third with a score of 97.3, demonstrating strong performance across all categories, particularly in healthcare and education.

The remaining top 10 cities include Munich, Auckland, Oslo, Tokyo, Sydney, Copenhagen, and Toronto, showcasing high scores in stability, healthcare, and education. European cities dominate the list, reflecting their robust living standards. Cities in Oceania and North America also perform exceptionally well, with consistent high scores in healthcare and infrastructure. These rankings emphasize the importance of stability, quality healthcare, and strong educational systems in creating highly liveable urban environments.

Liveability is under pressure

Rank City Overall Score Stability Healthcare Culture & Environment Education Infrastructure
164 Caracas, Venezuela 44.9 35.0 37.5 45.1 66.7 53.6
165 Kyiv, Ukraine 44.5 40.0 41.7 53.2 75.0 26.8
166 Port Moresby, PNG 44.1 30.0 41.7 52.5 58.3 46.4
167 Harare, Zimbabwe 43.8 40.0 29.2 56.7 66.7 35.7
168 Dhaka, Bangladesh 43.0 50.0 41.7 40.5 66.7 26.8
169 Karachi, Pakistan 42.7 20.0 54.2 35.9 75.0 51.8
170 Lagos, Nigeria 42.2 25.0 37.5 54.4 41.7 53.6
171 Algiers, Algeria 42.0 35.0 50.0 45.4 58.3 30.4
172 Tripoli, Libya 40.1 30.0 45.8 37.5 58.3 41.1
173 Damascus, Syria 30.7 20.0 29.2 40.5 33.3 32.1

Overall, the average score across the 173 cities in our survey has increased to 76.1 out of 100, but the improvement is only marginal, held back by geopolitical conflicts, civil unrest and a housing crisis across many of the cities in our survey. The conflict in the Middle East has pulled Tel Aviv down the rankings, while the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine continues to keep Kyiv among our bottom ten cities. An increasing incidence of protests in Europe around causes ranging from agriculture to immigration policies has damaged the stability scores of cities in the region.
Meanwhile, the cost-of-living crisis drags on in many countries, with housing costs emerging as one of the stickiest elements of inflation. The situation is particularly worrying in Australia and Canada, where the availability of rental properties is at an all-time low and purchase prices have continued to rise despite interest-rate increases, further fuelling anti-immigration sentiment. Since we conducted our survey, there have been more instances of civil unrest and demonstrations around the world—riots in Nouméa (New Caledonia) and campus protests across the US—suggesting continuing stress on liveability that is unlikely to ease in the near future

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What factors contribute most to a city’s liveability score?

IA1: Stability, healthcare, and infrastructure are the most influential factors in determining a city’s liveability score.

Q2: Why do European cities dominate the top of the list?

A2: European cities excel in stability, healthcare, and infrastructure, which are crucial components of the liveability index.

Q3: How does the report measure the cultural environment of a city?

A3: The cultural environment is assessed based on factors like climate, level of corruption, social or religious restrictions, and availability of recreational activities.

Q4: Are there any cities that have significantly improved their scores recently?

A4: Yes, some cities have made considerable improvements by investing in infrastructure and healthcare, though specific examples were not detailed in the summary provided.


The Global Liveability Index underscores the exceptional standards of living in cities like Vienna, Zurich, and Vancouver. These cities excel in stability, healthcare, education, and infrastructure, setting benchmarks for urban liveability. The dominance of European cities, along with top performers from Oceania and North America, highlights the critical factors that contribute to creating thriving and desirable urban environments. This ranking provides valuable insights for residents and policymakers aiming to enhance the quality of life in their cities.

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